Just got the "Electricity Restructuring" book and am enjoying it. Thanks to this Substack for getting me interested in and aware of electric grids as systems. Fascinating.

I noticed a story today that far-leftists in Congress have proposed a bill to in essence nationalize the Texas grid. Probably would have missed that if I had not been paying attention as a result of subscribing to this Substack.

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Coase was opposed to public utility regulation and favored eliminating franchise protection, period. Milton Friedman also. The idea of a basic violation of private property rights (mandatory open access); a centrally planned wholesale grid (ISOs/RTOs); and an artificial retail market with huge transaction costs (where there was little before under PUR) is just the opposite re Ronald Coase.

And no, electricity is not a 'common pool resource' where private property rights and a free market cannot apply. Only mandatory open access made it so--this might be why Ostrom never consider it as such (correct me if I am wrong).

The US electricity market has never performed this badly in its nearly 150-year history. Government intervention is fundamental. Friedman, Coase, Demsetz, etc. were right, after all.

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